So I like my college art class. Its hard and very time consuming but fun! Its a two hour class mon-thur. So as you can imagine my back kills by the end but its ok cause I love art but im not very good at it yet. So I hope to learn and hopefully get good at it!
So mon-thur here is what I do. Wake up at nine get ready go to school. Art class for two hours. Then I have a 45 minute break where I go eat lunch by myslef (but thats ok almost everyone does! haha!) then I go to the library and play on computers or finish up homework. Then I have a two hour communications class. Its boring but I like my teacher. He said I stand out because I am so optimistic all of the time and he said thats rare. I feel so special because he said thats rare!
Anyways here is my giant sketch book and clipboard that I have to carry every where. Along with two heavy books a binder and my bag and lunch. By the end of the day I feel like my arms are going to fall off. On the bright side I should have really nice arms by the end of the summer! haha!

This is only one of my sketch books. Luckily my other one is small and I dont have to carry it to and from school. I have to have 20 good skethches done by the end of the class.

Here is a homework assignment I had to do. The pictures are kinda light. Its a knight on a horse incase you cant tell! I think it turned out ok. I had to draw this upside down, idk why. And I had to do it in my big sketch book.

On the first day of class we had to do a self portrait, a picture of our hand in a position and we started a picture of Olivia Newton John. My self portrait sucks, my hand turned out ok I guess and Im excited to finish the one of Olivia because its turning out good! I will put more pictures on soon mostly for my benifit so I can see if I improve!
Anyways I love you all! Muah!!
Danay your screches are great. I am glad your enjoying school. I bet it is kind of hard not to have a summer break so on the weekends go crazy and have lots of fun.
ReplyDeleteLove Aunt DharmaC
I am impressed with your scetches! No joke