Saturday, June 27, 2009
I love Hurricane Stake :]]
So last night there was a stake dance.There is usualy dances over the summer but Hurricane Stake (They live over by St. George and Zions) was on their youth confrence so just our stake and their stake decided to hav a dance! At first it was suckish because I didnt know anyone. Then their stake started to show up. So I was just sitting and I saw the hottest kid EVER! And decided that I was gong to dance wih him before the end of the night. So then I made friends with this girl that didnt know anyone else either. And we got to be so good of fiends in that short of time that I stayed with here even when my friends got there!
So here is where it gets exciting!! Me and that girl (miriam) were dancing and this kid named nick from the hurricane stake comes up to us and is like "hey im nick" and fer talking for a few minutes hes like " you wanna meet some of my friends your age?" So I was all excited and said ya. So he takes me stright to that hott kid!(His name is Jesse. IDK what it is with me and Jesses!!) and we talked for a second then seperated. So a few minutes later nick comes bac and was like "my friend Jesse thinks you're hott!" So I was like "Oh relly?! Because i think hes hott too!" So now had to dance with him. but we both kept getting asked! Ugh! haha. So comes a ladies choice and I saw him and hurried over to ask him but another girl was faster! (This comes up aain later orI wouldnt have told you!) so I was all sad . So a while later was a ladies choice and I saw him and asked him. So he was like " I was going to ask you but I chickened out, plus you were always dancing" And I dont rememer what i said but he was like "ya the last ladies choice I was hoping you would ask me but that other girl asked me.(he ated sad about it haha!) So after the dance I gave him my # and email (So I REALLY NEED a cellphone. Thats what i want for my b-day by the way!!) and we ended up dancing likeevery slow danceafter that. And he hugged me alot! He was so freakin hott you dont even know!!!
So I talked to a ton of other guys from Hurricane stake and made friends with them!! A few guys asked me for my # but i dont remember their names, oops. They were hott though! haha! And I had like 0 guys tell me they thougt was pretty or beautiful and stuff. It was so sweet. So this is why I want to move to Hurricane! I would know like everyone haha!! And cute mormon guys at that ;)
So here is where it gets exciting!! Me and that girl (miriam) were dancing and this kid named nick from the hurricane stake comes up to us and is like "hey im nick" and fer talking for a few minutes hes like " you wanna meet some of my friends your age?" So I was all excited and said ya. So he takes me stright to that hott kid!(His name is Jesse. IDK what it is with me and Jesses!!) and we talked for a second then seperated. So a few minutes later nick comes bac and was like "my friend Jesse thinks you're hott!" So I was like "Oh relly?! Because i think hes hott too!" So now had to dance with him. but we both kept getting asked! Ugh! haha. So comes a ladies choice and I saw him and hurried over to ask him but another girl was faster! (This comes up aain later orI wouldnt have told you!) so I was all sad . So a while later was a ladies choice and I saw him and asked him. So he was like " I was going to ask you but I chickened out, plus you were always dancing" And I dont rememer what i said but he was like "ya the last ladies choice I was hoping you would ask me but that other girl asked me.(he ated sad about it haha!) So after the dance I gave him my # and email (So I REALLY NEED a cellphone. Thats what i want for my b-day by the way!!) and we ended up dancing likeevery slow danceafter that. And he hugged me alot! He was so freakin hott you dont even know!!!
So I talked to a ton of other guys from Hurricane stake and made friends with them!! A few guys asked me for my # but i dont remember their names, oops. They were hott though! haha! And I had like 0 guys tell me they thougt was pretty or beautiful and stuff. It was so sweet. So this is why I want to move to Hurricane! I would know like everyone haha!! And cute mormon guys at that ;)
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
This is real, This is me, this is exaclty how im supposed to be!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Youth Confrence!!
Not really a BYU fan but I found this hat in the car haha! I think it looks sexy on me! :D
So thursday we did a service project (which I missed because of school) and then went swimming!I swear the sun hates me because It was really sunny and warm until I got to the pool. ( I got there late) then it got cloudy, and then as soon as I left It got really hot and sunny again, no joke!! So then we went to brother Alders house for a barbaque and then played a bunch of games in his back yard. We slept there under the stars that night!
next morning me and some of the girls woke up at six (I have no Idea why!! I havent been sleeping well :[ but 6? when I could have slept until like 7:30??! im crazy!) but i had a chance to straighten my hair which was nice! Then we ate and hit the road for snow college!
The dorms were ugly and smelt bad until I got my hands on it haha! there was like a big hall will a bunch of dorms. 2 beds in each. Steph and I roomed and our room turned out way cute cause we both had purple and pink blankies! Everyone was always in our room! Couse we are amazing thats why!
Then we played a ton of water games!! They werent stupid either! They were so much fun and really long. The sun was out and it was warm! well until I got soaked with hose water! Then we went back to our dorms and got ready for dinner! After dinner I wanted to go flirt around so kara natalie and jackie stayed with me. I spotted a table of cute guys and was like "hey lets go sit with them!" and started walking over there, I knew they werent following but I didnt care (more boys and attention for me! haha) So I just sat do and was like "hey! im Danay! Whats your names?" (you should have seen the look on their faces!! It was awesome, they made me feel pretty for once haha! anyways like 35 seconds later comes kara them jackie and then natalie. We talked for a while and more guys from their ward kept comming over! It was awesome!
then we went out side with our ward and 3rd ward and played ulitmant frisbee! it was my first time and I really liked it! This cute kid that was really good told me I was really good :] !! yay!
Then we went to the manti pagent which is where my pictures start, so here we go....
Our group in manti infront of smow college! (top is our ninja pose one, bottom is smiling one!)
Me :P
My mom and dad went to the manti pagent too! It was cool to see them for a few minutes before I went off with my group again!
I had tons of fun but It was not long enough! i am not ready for monday and I wish I had a long good vacation to look forward too. I hate being stuck home while everyone including my family is out doing fun stuff. sigh..
(ps, if you didnt read the top you have no idea what i did just an fyi haha!)
OH WAIT! haha I remeber another cool part. On thursday night when we were at brother alders we roasted marshmallows. This really cute guy was lighting them on fire and then sticking them in his mouth. So I did it too. Haha I got attention from everyone after the(well for a few minutes until a bunch of people started doing it. Then I got in trouble for playing hot coals haha!
OH WAIT! haha I remeber another cool part. On thursday night when we were at brother alders we roasted marshmallows. This really cute guy was lighting them on fire and then sticking them in his mouth. So I did it too. Haha I got attention from everyone after the(well for a few minutes until a bunch of people started doing it. Then I got in trouble for playing hot coals haha!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
A bunch of random crap!
So school is going good. Im learning in my art class but dont feel like im getting any better. It frustrates me haha. Today we had to bring an 8X10 sheet of glass. I just taped the corners but everyone else taped all around. Now I know why. I got cut on it and my pinki started bleeding all over. haha I hope no one saw! im such a clutz! I dont have any friends in that class but I talk to a bunch of guys in my communications class ;] im the class clown in that class, I love it! haha. Like there are some older people in that class and the teacher said "how many of you are married?" and I raised my hand haha! everyone laughed and this really cute guy smiled at me!
So monday night I had the worst dream ever. Felicia died. I was so awful!! I woke up to my alarm crying and I couldnt stop for like 10 minutes. That was one of the times I was grateful for my alarm!! Well anyways Felicia you are not aloud to die. U R my other half and nothing would be right! I love you!
So this weekend is youth confrence! I will put pictures on when I get home and I will tell you more about it becaue Its time for me to go to class. WOW my break went by really fast today. usually it feels like forever!!
So iv decided that when I get married my kitchen is going to be red and brown. So for christmas my mom and dad are going to get me stuff for my house. Also im already planning my wedding haha!
So monday night I had the worst dream ever. Felicia died. I was so awful!! I woke up to my alarm crying and I couldnt stop for like 10 minutes. That was one of the times I was grateful for my alarm!! Well anyways Felicia you are not aloud to die. U R my other half and nothing would be right! I love you!
So this weekend is youth confrence! I will put pictures on when I get home and I will tell you more about it becaue Its time for me to go to class. WOW my break went by really fast today. usually it feels like forever!!
So iv decided that when I get married my kitchen is going to be red and brown. So for christmas my mom and dad are going to get me stuff for my house. Also im already planning my wedding haha!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Art Class
So I like my college art class. Its hard and very time consuming but fun! Its a two hour class mon-thur. So as you can imagine my back kills by the end but its ok cause I love art but im not very good at it yet. So I hope to learn and hopefully get good at it!
So mon-thur here is what I do. Wake up at nine get ready go to school. Art class for two hours. Then I have a 45 minute break where I go eat lunch by myslef (but thats ok almost everyone does! haha!) then I go to the library and play on computers or finish up homework. Then I have a two hour communications class. Its boring but I like my teacher. He said I stand out because I am so optimistic all of the time and he said thats rare. I feel so special because he said thats rare!
Anyways here is my giant sketch book and clipboard that I have to carry every where. Along with two heavy books a binder and my bag and lunch. By the end of the day I feel like my arms are going to fall off. On the bright side I should have really nice arms by the end of the summer! haha!
This is only one of my sketch books. Luckily my other one is small and I dont have to carry it to and from school. I have to have 20 good skethches done by the end of the class.
Here is a homework assignment I had to do. The pictures are kinda light. Its a knight on a horse incase you cant tell! I think it turned out ok. I had to draw this upside down, idk why. And I had to do it in my big sketch book.
On the first day of class we had to do a self portrait, a picture of our hand in a position and we started a picture of Olivia Newton John. My self portrait sucks, my hand turned out ok I guess and Im excited to finish the one of Olivia because its turning out good! I will put more pictures on soon mostly for my benifit so I can see if I improve!
So mon-thur here is what I do. Wake up at nine get ready go to school. Art class for two hours. Then I have a 45 minute break where I go eat lunch by myslef (but thats ok almost everyone does! haha!) then I go to the library and play on computers or finish up homework. Then I have a two hour communications class. Its boring but I like my teacher. He said I stand out because I am so optimistic all of the time and he said thats rare. I feel so special because he said thats rare!
Anyways here is my giant sketch book and clipboard that I have to carry every where. Along with two heavy books a binder and my bag and lunch. By the end of the day I feel like my arms are going to fall off. On the bright side I should have really nice arms by the end of the summer! haha!
Anyways I love you all! Muah!!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
First Day of College
So I started my college classes today. It went pretty well! I think I will like it. A lot of work though! And you cant miss like at all so that sucks. It should be good though. Im taking an art class (I am not an artist so I think that is going to be embaressing!) And a communications class. Its monday thru thursday for art1020 and mon. wed. and thurs. for my comm 1010 class. Anyways I was just keeping you all updated. Man college is expensive even without tuition. My parents spent like 160 bucks today on art supplies and 2 books. The books were used too! But it will pay off!
Monday, June 8, 2009
New moon
Eeekkk! Here is the new moon trailor! Im so excited but I know of some things that they have changed that bugs me. Like you know how in the book Edward leaves and Bella does dangerous things and hears his voice in her head? Well in the movie he is actually going to come back when she does stuff. And I wish the wolves were bigger, they are supposed to be HUGE! But im still excited!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Birthday Party
GUESS WHAT!? Our prayers worked, it didnt rain! Woot woot! Well this is a really long post, not gunna lie, but you should look at these pictures, we had a great time!
Look how many people are in the hot tub! And that wasnt even everyone! Isnt that crazy!!! You can imagine how disgusting the hot tub was when we woke up this morning. It was brown and only half full haha!
Everyone had a great time on the slide! This is me surfing down haha. I got most of the way down on my feet before I fell! I kicked butt! haha
Even the guys had fun! (sorry my pictures are kinda dark)
This is my sexy sister and my hott cousin!!
Felicia and Tyller going head first! You get soaked doing that! its awesome!
Its all about the detail and color!
My center peices. The bucket is full of junk food and my party favors are around it. The party favors are little buckets full of gum balls and the paper says "thanks for comming, you're a great friend! love Danae" They turned out way cute!
Tables! Cute huh! And there is another pink one but you cant see it in the pic.
Decorations and my tiki hut! I think it turned out really good!

My slide! Its big! It was such a fun thing to have, but it was really cold outside so that made the hose water freezing! It was so worth it though!
More pictures of decorations! It was cool in the dark cause we had torches and lights hanging everywhere!

Me and Ty in my room this morning before she left!
Fun by the fire! Good decision to have that. The guys loved it and us girls liked it cause it was warm!
My slide! Its big! It was such a fun thing to have, but it was really cold outside so that made the hose water freezing! It was so worth it though!
Me and Ty in my room this morning before she left!
Jody and Tom gave me a mall board game. My neice Dana gave me that nice make up set! Cards are in the front. Then that little white box in front of the board game are really nice head phones from my friend Nick, he also got me a $25 dollar gift card for I tunes(I'll bet he spent $60, thats way to much!)next to the I tunes gift card is a rue 21 gift card for $10 (my fav store!!) and a really cute wallet and thong(all of them pink) From steph and jennaka. (The thong is way cute and actually comfortable haha!Behind those is this really cute bad that my neighbor made for me and she put 3 pairs of flip flops in it! Next to that is hot cheetoes with lime! My favorite! (From Keaton) In front of that is apple body spray, a necklace and earings from Tiffany. Then to the side is a really soft blanky from Jennifer and on top of that in the little box is a gift card ($10) to barns and noble(YES!!!) From Hayley!
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