Thursday, April 30, 2009

Dresses :]

Needs some kind of straps but cute design and color i think!
I like the pink and the bead work. Of course they would need sleeves but i like the style!

I like how this one is simple but different and way cute! I love the bow!

I like this style but im not to sure about the bright colors for such a formal dance. So even though orange is one of my favorite colors I think I want blue to bring out my eyes! (I love poofy dresses though!)
So im almost 16 and im getting excited for all of the dances. Cammie was talking about selling her dresses so it got me thinking about what I want mine to look like! (haha i know im pathetic I still have a while, but im bored!) I think Fleesh is going to let me borrow some of hers but it will be fun to have a few of my own too. So i need opinions Please!! (Sorry It wouldnt let me put this at the top, its weird!)

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Weird Dream

Today I havent been feeling good so I came home and took a nap and my dream was really weird. OK so in my dream i was at some kind of sports game in the bleachers. And all of my friends were there. Only one of my friends mom was there. And she bought me like a new kind of flavored beer. And I drank most of it but then i turnned around and tried to give it back because I felt guilty. But she wouldnt take it back. And then I realized that the old bishops daughter was sitting in front of me and she turnned around and was like "oh we can have those now?" and I was like umm no. And then I started freaking out and I was talking to one of my really good friends and I was like "im such a horrible person what should I do" I didnt know if i was going to tell my mom or not. And then i woke up. I was freaking out so bad! Scariest dream of my life cause if i ever had to tell my mom something like that I would like kill over right then and there! HAha but its weird because i would never even think about trying any kind of drug. Iv learned to much about it to even consider it, so thats the last thing im worried about! But anyways im lucky i didnt pee in my sleep because i was so scared haha!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Random Crap!! You'll LOVE IT! (maybe)

So its been a rough coupple of weeks but things are going to be ok i think. (thanks aunt Donna)
Anyways i found this and decided to do it, its kinda funny. What you do it put your i-pod on shuffle and then what ever song comes up you put that for the answer to the question no matter what. Well here's mine! ( Funny Jokes at the bottom!) haha!


WHAT WOULD BEST DESCRIBE YOUR PERSONALITY?A little to not over you- David Archuleta

WHAT DO YOU LIKE IN A GUY/GIRL?Wreck of the day- Anna Nalick

HOW DO YOU FEEL TODAY?Shadow- Ashlee Simpson


WHAT IS YOUR MOTTO?I’m yours- Jason Maraz

WHAT DO YOU THINK OF YOUR BEST FRIEND?My life would suck without you- Kelly Clarkson





WHAT WILL THEY PLAY AT YOUR FUNERAL?Dancing alone- Ashlee Simpson (awe sad!)

WHAT IS YOUR HOBBY/INTEREST?Fairytale-Sarah Barelles

WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST SECRET?Willing to wait- Rihanna


HOW WILL YOU DIE?Morningside-Sarah Barelles

WHAT IS THE ONE THING YOU REGRET?The way you do me-JoJo (umm.. That doesn’t sound very good haha)
WHAT MAKES YOU LAUGH?The best day-Taylor Swift

WHAT MAKES YOU CRY?Love song-Sarah Barelles

DOES ANYONE LIKE YOU?Unreachable-Ashlee Simpson

WHAT HURTS RIGHT NOW?Miserable at best-Mayday Parade

Well there's somthing random for the day!

Need a good laugh?!? KEEP READING!!
You wanna hear a dirty joke? A boy fell in mud. You wanna hear a clean one? He took a bath! HAhahaha

OMGosh I just heard that the short bus flipped over and I was worried cause i know you dont like to wear your helment because you cant lick the windows with it on. Im glad you're ok!

I had this warm feeling inside and at first I though it was because I was talking to you.. But then I realized i had to pee.! Sorry!

Yo mamma is so fat, she has to use a mattress as a tampon! HA!

Two blonds walked into a bar. The third one should have seen it comming (It took me forever to get that one haha!

And here are some funny pick up lines:
Are your parents retarded, 'cause you sure are special
My Love for you is like diarrahia ... I can't hold it in.
Do you have a library card, 'cause I'd like to check you out.
Are you a gardner, 'cos I want to put your tulips and my tulups together
Do you believe in love at first sight or do i have to walk by again?
Say, didnt we go to different schools together?
Date me if im wrong, but isnt your name Gurtrude?
Did the sun come out or did you just smile at me?

And my favorite:
Did you fart Because you just blew me away
(hahaha! i laughed so hard! I love pick up lines I think that they are so funny!)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Lagoon Season pass

So last weekend Me Felicia, Geoff and Allston got a lagoon season pass! Im so excited, now i have something to look forward too! Thats all for now, just keepin you guys updated!
(that was an interesting post huh?!)

Monday, April 20, 2009

Being 15 Sucks!

I hate being 15! Im so glad its almost over! It sucks cause im nice to all of the nerds so they end up liking me. So I have like 5 creepy stockerish nerds that are sending me things that say I love you and all these love notes. But i cant be mean and tell them to back off. And then there are the guys that I like but they dont like me and there are the ones that I like and they like me but they go to bingham! UGH! Suck and I hate drama so much!! Ugh i gtg for prayer!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

No Braces!

Lol this one is silly. My mom said smile big so I showed as much teeth as i could! (The first one)

This one is my favorite! (the one above)

Love letter

Hey im sorry for what tammi said earlier... i will explain what she was trying to explain tho... the girls i dated and i never wanted to break up. Like they either moved or something close to that.. my shortest relationship i have been is was 8 months and my longest was 1 year and 2 months. Like i thing im a good guy i get told im the sweetest like all the time... but i just like the fact of knowing i am making a girl feel special and seeing a smile on her face and knowing i put it there. but like i am really mad at tammi for telling u to like give me a chance and stuff... but i mean yeah i would like a chance.. but i want u to want to be with me not just like yeah.. but i get it if ur not interested i will back off cuz i still want to be friends cuz i really want u in my life i cant stop smiling when im around u and u make my day almost everytime i see u. like the day we had the sub i wuz really upset about alot but u made it so much better. and i really do love all those things about u your amazing! i mean i think ur perfect i dont know everything about u but i really like everything i know and ur just amazing haha. i mean ur like everything i guy could want in a girl times a million. a guy would have to a complete idiot with no brain or gay not to love u and treat u like a princess. u have like the most amazing smile it is so funny but when u smile i like melt and cant help but to smile. u are like the only girl to ever give me butterflies. i really like u and think your amazing! but if u dont feel for me that way just say so. cuz i want to make u feel comfortable and not put stuff on u. but if u do i guess we can just be friends and stuff u know. so yeah.. but if u get this tonight u should call me :)wishing to be yours haha-kameron.

HAHAHAHAHAHA! Ok i met this kid two days ago! creepy huh?! and hes nerdish but nice i guess.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Braces Free

So today is a very exciting day!! I got my braces off again FINALLY!!! EEEKK! well thats all I will put pictures on soon!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Spring break

Its spring break! YES!! So that means... NO SCHOOL! woot woot. So Ty Ty is staying with me this weekend. So thursday we drove up to delta. I got to drive a little so thats nice. I need the hours. But we drove two hours there and then ate and came home. It was pretty fun actually. Then we got home and Tyller and I made a fire in the back yard and roasted marshmallows it was so much fun. We got a good laugh when one of our friends walked around the corner and scared the crap out of ty! hahaha! and I shoved a marshmallow in her face. Anyways it was really fun. Then we watched Marley and Me. That was cute and then today we have eaten NOTHING but junk food... literaly! Its great. So then we decided to get a picture taken so my dad could make us a ginormous button, but the lighting was crazy so I had fun with it! well i have to go now.
P.s. My arms and neck are crazy itchy and they are starting to hurt. Mom wont really do much and I have tried lotion and calimine lotion. It didnt help. Anyone have any suggestions? Please help its driving me nutso bananas!!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Hey Fleesh! I hope you feel better soon! Call me if there is anything I can do, I wish I lived closer so I could help out! Get some rest ok! I love you!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Vote for me!!

Everyone needs to vote for what you think I should be when I grow up because I cant decide and Im curiouse to see what you guys see me as!! So vote NOW! pweese!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Me and my cute little sister/friend!

My mom got a new prop and took our pictures. It was really fun and good practice for my modeling job comming up! I think we got some good ones!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Modeling Job! Woot Woot!

So I guess my mom was up at wasatch photography and some how they got into the conversation of models and how they needed one! So my mom showed them my picture and.... I'm in! YES! Isnt that super amazing?! I'm way excited, I hope I dont look like a nerd!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

My New Boots!

These are my new boots! I got them for $15 bucks! They are kinda like the ones i wanted for $80 so im pretty excited! anyways im nt sure if they look good with this outfit so let me know what you honestly think! thanks luv ya!

Birthday Party Invites

These are the invitations for my birthday! I love them, i think that they are way fun! (this one is for you Donna lol! Soon I will roll up the actual invite and put it in the bottle. Inside there are two fake flowers, an umbrella and sand :]

Driver Ed.

Oh my goodness, I started drivers ed a few days ago. I am so scared lol. I have my first range on saturday. (Thats where you go in the school parking lot and dodge a bunch of cones and stuff. Just in case you were wondering!) You can't go over 5mph(ahh thats so fast! jk)and everyone says it is way easy and boring, but im still scared! Im not as scared after going and watching other people do it today though. I am more nervouse for the roads portian of the class. Eekk! Partly because i have a really good chance of being in the same car with someone i really like(score ;]) But i'm really scared i will mess up it front... or because im distracted by him haha! No jk i think i will do good! Anyways the class its self is hard because if you are absent once you fail and if you get less than 80% on any assignment or quiz you fail! luckily my teacher is nice and gave us ways around that a little. But ya its exciting, I'm growing up! tear tear.
In two years i will be off to college and living with Felicia I hope :] i cant wait. Well I can but I cant! haha, that is if she still wants me!


Hi this is fun! you know you like it! come on smile! you know you want to! Muah! I love you all! Keep on smiling and just keep swimming! No eating here tonight, huh! no eating here to night, we're on a diet!! (what show?!? haha!)
LALAlalalalalalalala!!!! I am soooo sooooo amazing, dont you agree? I am random to muahahahaha!. Poop poop. Badobadobado! BOOBAHS! boobahs. COOL!