Sunday, March 29, 2009

My New Swimming Suit

Here is a picture of my new swimming suit. I really want a bikini but my parents wont let me have one :[ But I only have to wait two more years cause then I will be living with Felicia and Geoff and I can wear anything I want. I did a really crapy job fixing it up in photo shop. The white was hard to work with and I was in a hurry. (It's 9:08 and I have to get up at 5:30 ugh!) But anywasy my mom will fix it up better later! Well I think its a pretty cute swimming suit i guess. It will work for now.


  1. Nae its way cute. I dont think you need a binki. You should come to Arizona so you can get some use out of it now.

  2. Danaay it is way cute, but you look cute in anything
    Love ya

  3. Thanks guys! i wish i could come up there for a few weeks! that would be so much fun!

  4. i had a swimsuit once

  5. Oh really! what, now you swim naked?

  6. What do you swim in then? Hey do you have your own blog of is that one just connected to the one you and felicia share? lol sorry thats a stupid question but idk so... haha
