My Birthday was amazing!! The begining was a little rocky with school and my parents bugging me to tears about driving my stick. But then my dad came to pick me up with Geoff and Allston with a track phone. Fleesh was at home waiting to surprise me with my crazy room decorations, I was so excited!! Then I opened presents. Then all of us went out to eat at my favrite resturante! (There is a really hott waiter there that we now call Tommy hillfigure boy edition 2, but thats not why I like it, their food is amazing!) Then I went home with Felicia and Geoff and they took me out to a drive in movie! Everyone over did it and spent way to much on me!! (Transformers 2 was amazing and Felicia said that star trek was reall good!!) So.. THANK YOU to everyone expecially my parents, Felicia, Geoff and Grandma!

These are my Dora cupcakes!! I just love Dora! I love barbie too and im 16 haha!They are both just so cute!! (Hey Fleesh "This is my ball, this is my ball ball ball ball ball! This ball is bouncy, this ball is blue, this ball is mine ut you can use it too.........." I LOVE IT HAHAHA!

My room! I look fat in this pic but my room looks amazing huh! THANKS AGAIN FLEESH I LOVE THE HECK OUT OF YA!

This is the way cute bag that Geoff and Felicia got me! Thanks guys. I look retarded in this pic, felicia couldnt wait until I was finished taking haha!
So I have girls camp this week! Im a YCL and im freakin excited!!