So tonight is the big temple celebration for the two temples. All of us youth have been working really hard for it. They work us non stop, early mornings, late nights and long hours. Like thursady we left the house at four and they kept us until ten. It was dress rehersal and they made us go through the entire thing twice! I was not happy, they have made all of the excitment disappear for me! But anyways its a big thing, its going to be broadcasted to a ton of people, thousands in the audience and they are making a dvd. Anyways I like performing so it will be cool to be able to perform! I'm with the quilt girls and I dance with brooms. Here is a nerdy picture of my quilt group. (Ugh! Tonight I have to wera ugly pioneer clothes infront of millions of people... great lol!)
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Me and Tyller and then the temple celebration!
Tyller Gets to come watch the temple celebration tonight! Im so excited to see her! These pictures are from a while ago when we went to our property! Hope you enjoy!
This is a resturante up there! Its really good but the Salsa was REALLY hot!
In the car! We have lots of fun together all of the time! I love when she's around. Its so funny, almost as soon as we are together we are laughing about something and we do the dorkiest stuff! Like we get ahold of the video recorder and do weird comercials and stuff! HAHAHA! I love this girl!
She is so freaking pretty! Even when she's pulling a face! huh! Some people get all the luck! lol

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
So my sweet 16 is on june 6th!! It is going to be the best weekend ever cause the 5th is Fleesh's birthday and we are going to go to the salon to get manicures and pedicures and just hang out and then the 6th is my party! ( Thanks for sharing your birthday weekend fleesh! You're the best!) Lots of friends and boys... hot tub ; ) Sounds perfect right? Well That week is supposed to be rainy I guess. But I dont exactly know the weather for that saturday becaue of only ten day forecasts :P so I need you all to pray that june 6th will be very sunny and warm for me! It sounds stupid but I NEED it to be sunny. If I have to have it on another day its going to suck because my mom doesnt have another weekend, id have to re-do all of my invited and I dont know how I would give them to everyone because they are kinda big so idk how the heck it would happen!! SO Please please please stop freakin praying for rain and pray for SUN!!!! Thanks guys love ya! (Spread the word, I can use all the help I can get!)
P.S. I also think its stupid how adults think they have to make rude comments about my purple hair. Arent they smart enought to realize I dont care what they think? They wouldnt know whats hott if it smacked them right on the face! They can all go die in a hole and have one big purple hair hating party!! Horray for them cause I LOVE my hair thank you very much!
Danae Jene' Nay
P.S. I also think its stupid how adults think they have to make rude comments about my purple hair. Arent they smart enought to realize I dont care what they think? They wouldnt know whats hott if it smacked them right on the face! They can all go die in a hole and have one big purple hair hating party!! Horray for them cause I LOVE my hair thank you very much!
Danae Jene' Nay
Saturday, May 23, 2009
9 more days of school!
There is only 9 more days of school, but like two weeks if you count the weekends! That is so crazy! I kinda dont want school to end.. in a way! Just when things start getting amazing with Christian again, school has to be almost over! ugh! I hate how things like that work out!
Well even with so few days of school left, there is still lots to do! I have many finals, a 5 page paper, I have to read a play and write a paper on that, get my health class and pe class done, get ready for summer classes :P and make sure my grades are looking good, then I have to make things really really good with christian before summer, I may not have another chance! And I just found out that Kevins little sister has lukimia! I feel so bad!
Anyways a few days ago I did my ballroom performance. It was fun! I love performing, but i didnt do as good as i could have. I think my partner got nervous, he was going way to fast so I was trying to slow him down while smiling and trying to look good! But oh well it was still way fun! I cant wait to be in performing ballroom next year!
Well even with so few days of school left, there is still lots to do! I have many finals, a 5 page paper, I have to read a play and write a paper on that, get my health class and pe class done, get ready for summer classes :P and make sure my grades are looking good, then I have to make things really really good with christian before summer, I may not have another chance! And I just found out that Kevins little sister has lukimia! I feel so bad!
Anyways a few days ago I did my ballroom performance. It was fun! I love performing, but i didnt do as good as i could have. I think my partner got nervous, he was going way to fast so I was trying to slow him down while smiling and trying to look good! But oh well it was still way fun! I cant wait to be in performing ballroom next year!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Embarrassing Story of the day!
OK So I went over to Felicias house on saturday and got to sleep over! So Im down stairs by myself on the computer and I write Felicia this letter. It said stuff like I love you so much and thanks for saying I can move in with you when I turn 18. We should take pole dancing lessons.... and on it went. So I check my facebook today and I guess I accidentally sent it to my friend Jacob. He is one of those really mormon poeple. But anyways hes like "Umm I dont think I would ever take pole dancing lessons.... sorry."
OMGosh! I cant believe I did that! lol! Anyways I sent it to Felicia and to Jacob I was like " Oh sorry wrong person..That was embarrassing..!"
Well I hope you got a good laugh! I know I did!
OMGosh! I cant believe I did that! lol! Anyways I sent it to Felicia and to Jacob I was like " Oh sorry wrong person..That was embarrassing..!"
Well I hope you got a good laugh! I know I did!
Friday, May 15, 2009
I love ballroom so much! We have a performance on tuesday just for the other dance classes. But im going to miss CRTs so im going to have to make it up. But my class is performing west coast swing. It should be interesting! I dont think everyone knows their part very well. I think I do but if we forget we'll just wing it. My partner and I are eaither in the center with just a few other people on stage or in the very front! no pressure! lol.
And today we started learning the tango. HOLY CLOSE! You have to be close enough to hold a peice of paper, your legs are inbetween eachother and your knees bent! And your hand goes like in their arm pit. Its weird and kinda gross cause they get way sweaty lol! But its super fun! But kinda akward! But I love the music and the dance! Haha!
Any ways my stupid test scores werent high enough for a stupid math class so I think im going to have to take it my senior year. but whatever, im begining to REALLY hate concurrent enrollment! But im really hoping I can ake the three dance classes I want! Keep your fingers crossed for me!
All of you need to be posting more on your blogs! Felicia is the only other one that does it consistantly! Thanks babe! I love reading your blog!
And today we started learning the tango. HOLY CLOSE! You have to be close enough to hold a peice of paper, your legs are inbetween eachother and your knees bent! And your hand goes like in their arm pit. Its weird and kinda gross cause they get way sweaty lol! But its super fun! But kinda akward! But I love the music and the dance! Haha!
Any ways my stupid test scores werent high enough for a stupid math class so I think im going to have to take it my senior year. but whatever, im begining to REALLY hate concurrent enrollment! But im really hoping I can ake the three dance classes I want! Keep your fingers crossed for me!
All of you need to be posting more on your blogs! Felicia is the only other one that does it consistantly! Thanks babe! I love reading your blog!
This is a video of one of my favorite Tango scenes. It doesnt show how close you have to be in basic tango but it shows the passion you are supposed to have.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
So nothing is really new, just the same old stuff. But things are better I guess haha! Im really excited for this weekend, I get to go stay with Felicia and Geoff again! We are going to go to Lagoon! It should be way fun! Im at school right now, just got out of seminary! Its early (yawn) I want more sleep, but today is A day! Yay! Anyways I was bored. You all need to post more stuff, so I have something to read!
Hey im getting sick of my music, I need some new good stuff. NO COUNTRY PLEASE! lol but any suggestions would be great, thanks!
Hey im getting sick of my music, I need some new good stuff. NO COUNTRY PLEASE! lol but any suggestions would be great, thanks!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
One step at a time
Thought of the day; "We all live with the intentions of being happy" -Anne Frank. We all do things to make us happy, or things that we think will make us happy but really dont. I think that to many of us get our happiness from the outside in, instead of the inside out. I think thats part of my problem. Many of us (including myself) say, "if only I had this I would be happy" or " if only this would happen, then I would be happy" or in my case "If only they liked me I would be happy" I think this is what screws us over, because there is always something else you want, its never really enough. We as humans are selfish, its in our nature. Im going to work on changin that. Insted of saying "if only this or that" im going to be happy with what I have and myself without anyone elses approving words or glances. My happiness is going to come from the inside out. This morning in seminary we were talking about the way we look at things and how it effects us and everyone else. My teacher was saying how negative thoughts about ourselves affected the way we looked and judged others because thats what you get in your head. So he challenged us this: We arent aloud to say any of the following (or anything close to it) "I'm so ugly, I'm fat" we arent aloud to say anything bad about anyone and go out of our way to compliment people. He says that by doing this it can change the way you look at people. I think hes right! his is eaiser said then done but Im going to try my best!
In my world civ class (in which i usually have a hard time staying awake) we started talking about world war 1. Idk if you guys know about it but it was a huge thing between Britian, the Scottish and French. (Scottish and french were allies) They dug like trunches and were in there for protection (I have a point to this, its not just a history lesson) but once they started shooting it was a blood bath, they had to get out and go through barbed wire and all of this other crap. Anyways for my favorite part, christmas eve comes and they call it off for the night! This is a huge war and they just decided to stop for the night! They ended up talking and couldnt continue fighting the next day. Of course this was only a small section so the commanding officers split them all up the next day. But I just thought that was amazing! It just shows that we all are alike, and we all live with the intentions of being happy!
Now that iv bored you to death, if anyone is still reading I think it would be cool If everyone started focusing on having their happiness come from the inside out. When you die and go to the gates of heaven God isnt going to say " oh well look here, Bob had a mansion and Tom lived in a box on the street.. Hmm bobs better. No thats not how it works. You cant take anything with you anyways! You cant buy happiness. And who cares what other people think anyways, its over rated!!
Sorry this is so long, I guess iv just been thinking a lot and today was a little bit of an eye opener!
In my world civ class (in which i usually have a hard time staying awake) we started talking about world war 1. Idk if you guys know about it but it was a huge thing between Britian, the Scottish and French. (Scottish and french were allies) They dug like trunches and were in there for protection (I have a point to this, its not just a history lesson) but once they started shooting it was a blood bath, they had to get out and go through barbed wire and all of this other crap. Anyways for my favorite part, christmas eve comes and they call it off for the night! This is a huge war and they just decided to stop for the night! They ended up talking and couldnt continue fighting the next day. Of course this was only a small section so the commanding officers split them all up the next day. But I just thought that was amazing! It just shows that we all are alike, and we all live with the intentions of being happy!
Now that iv bored you to death, if anyone is still reading I think it would be cool If everyone started focusing on having their happiness come from the inside out. When you die and go to the gates of heaven God isnt going to say " oh well look here, Bob had a mansion and Tom lived in a box on the street.. Hmm bobs better. No thats not how it works. You cant take anything with you anyways! You cant buy happiness. And who cares what other people think anyways, its over rated!!
Sorry this is so long, I guess iv just been thinking a lot and today was a little bit of an eye opener!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired
(haha do you like how iv been naming all of my posts with song lyrics? Oh thats right you guys are old, you probably didnt catch on, oh well!) Well Iv been sick for the past three days. Iv been miserable with massive head aches, fever of 103, aches all over my body, bad cough and soar throught, and oh yeah i cant breath to good cause of my asthma! So iv missed two days of school. Ya not looking forward to making that up! But im starting to feel a little better. Hopefully I can push myself through school tomorrow! So another story for you guys. Its way to long of a story for the entire thing, but ill just tell you some of it. So there is this kid named Kevin that i have known since 9th grade. He know Jesse (the kid i like a lot, but that an entire different story) and he told me he likes me just a few weeks ago (kevin) Anyways he was nice for a while but now hes started acting like a jerk and iv already told him im not looking for anything seriouse. Then he comes and shows up at my house last night with soup, crakcers and candy! It sounds sweet but no its not. If only you knew the whole story (if you're that curiouse about it you can call and ask but i doubt any of you are!) Anyways he cant take a hint to leave me alone and im to nice to do anything about it. Ugh things were so much eaiser when boys had cooties!!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
When I grow up. I wanna be famouse, I wanna be a star, I wanna...
Be a Dance Teacher! So i'v been thinking a lot about what i want to be when I get older! Iv been debating between many things but im pretty ceritain that this is what I want to do with my life! Everyone always tells me that I need to choose a job doing something that I love to do. And I cant think of very many things that I like more then dancing. (Mabye chocolate, family, friends and POPTARTS, I LOVE POP TARTS!! But i dont think there are any good job options in any of those catagories. Well other then a mom but you dont get paid to be a mom and I wont be a mom for a while.) So here is my new plan. I am still planning on giong to Weber State University, and I will live with Felicia and Geoff while I do. (Thanks guys! I love you!) I will have already gradguated with my associates degree so i will start working on my bachelors degree majoring in dance and teaching, probably taking a few buisness classes along the way.(PLEASE say that Weber has a good dance program, ill have to look into it!) Then once I get my bachelors out of the way I want to teach at a highschool for a few years. Then after saving up I want to open up my own dance studio! I think i'll call it "Dancing with Danae" or something haha! But anyways Im almost 100% sure that thats what i want to do!!
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